Mark N. Cahill has lived a wonderfully varied life. In addition to writing Blue Ice, he has written for the Worcester Telegram, was one of the original bloggers, edited the largest saltwater fly fishing website in the world,, for more than 15 years and written for many blogs on topics ranging from fishing, to marketing and web design. He is a software engineer and web developer who develops websites for many companies around the country on a freelance basis.
He has two daughters, Mackenzie and Madison who are the love of his life.
Find Mark N. Cahill Online
Perhaps you’d like to find more Mark N. Cahill online. Here are links to several of the sites where you’re likely to find him: – His web development company – His personal blog – Mark is the publisher of and can often be found on the forums.
Facebook – Mark tries to keep his Facebook page limited to friends and family, but if you must, he is at
Google + – mncahill (do you sense a trend here?)
Linked In (guess…right, mncahill) – Mark is senior engineer for the largest domain name listing service in the world.
On Twitter:
Personal account – mncahill
Fishing related – reel_time